Boost your political TV advertising ROI with viewership insights


The recent Trump-Harris debate provided a wealth of data for political TV advertising strategies as campaigns enter the final stretch before Election Day. For advertisers looking to optimize their media spend, understanding viewership trends and reaching untapped audiences is key.

With the largest TV data footprint in the US, MiQ has been analyzing viewership for major television events like electoral debates for 6 years, including almost every presidential debate during both the Primary and General Election cycles. Our data from the Trump-Harris debate offers valuable insights for campaign strategists seeking to enhance their political TV advertising efforts.

The power of political TV advertising: reaching key markets

Two important findings emerged from our analysis:

  1. 75% of the viewers of the Trump-Harris debate on September 10 did not watch the Trump-Biden debate on June 27.
  2. 39% of the debate’s viewers have not seen a political TV ad from either the Trump or Harris campaigns (or their affiliated super PACs) in the last 30 days.

This data highlights a critical opportunity for both campaigns to expand their political TV advertising reach, especially in battleground states. In markets such as Atlanta, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Milwaukee, Las Vegas, and Philadelphia, reach is already high—yet a significant segment of viewers remains untapped.

To learn more about optimizing your political TV advertising based on our latest viewership data, download MiQ’s exclusive 2024 Presidential Debate Viewership Analysis today.

The issue of reach isn’t exclusive to the presidential campaigns. MiQ’s Data & Analytics team recently conducted an analysis on the Reach and Frequency of political media. Our data shows that, on CTV, 80% of targeted households received only 19% of tracked impressions, at an average frequency of 4.5x. That means huge segments of an advertiser’s ideal audience are potentially never seeing any ads from them at all. 

Simply put, buying CTV isn’t enough to solve your reach and frequency challenge—it’s HOW you buy CTV that changes the game. These insights underscore the need for comprehensive, cross-channel audience intelligence when planning CTV media buys.  

Growing voter engagement and the need for optimized advertising

Voter registration and engagement have surged, particularly in battleground states. With high-profile endorsements from figures like Taylor Swift and fundraising efforts led by vice presidential candidate JD Vance, voter interest is peaking. This means now is the time for campaigns to double down on their political TV advertising strategies, particularly by targeting the untapped 39% who remain unexposed to campaign messages.

Here are three strategies political advertisers can deploy:

  1. Capitalize on key TV moments: Reach households that tuned into the Trump-Harris debate with targeted political TV ads, leveraging both linear and connected TV platforms.
  2. Focus on incremental reach: Campaigns should prioritize reaching voters who have been previously untapped by their political TV advertising efforts, especially in battleground states where margins are thin.
  3. Diversify inventory tactics: Tap expert programmatic partners to expand political TV advertising strategies with an audience first approach across connected TV, streaming services, and digital platforms like YouTube to capture voters across a broader media landscape.

With Election Day fast approaching, it’s essential to refine these strategies to capture every possible voter. Make your campaign smarter by tapping into the largest and most diverse TV viewership dataset in the industry. With unmatched insights and expertise, you’ll reach your audience more effectively. This way, you get the best value - not just the best price. Find out what MiQ can do for your political TV advertising.

With MiQ, political advertisers can give their TV buying a remix. In The Political Media Remix 2.0, MiQ’s latest political advertising strategy guide, we delve into the complexities of omnichannel advertising, and share our proven strategies to get more out of the ever-evolving media landscape. Get your copy of The Political Media Remix 2.0